"To say I'm grateful for what helping homeless veterans have done for me over the last few months is an understatement. From putting me up in hotel when I was homeless to then helping by funding my deposit and first month rent for my very own flat and then buying me all the stuff I needed such as a bed washing machine, kitchen stuff and much more! I will never truly be able to show my gratitude towards David fully. Thank you so much."
"I recently found myself urgently requiring help with finding accommodation in the Hull area as I was essentially 'sofa-surfing' for over a year and getting nowhere, having previously had a lot of problems with a former landlord!! This was on top of having to drive an 80 mile round trip three to four times a week for ongoing EMDR treatment/Counselling and seeing my 16 year old daughter.
I was rapidly burning out and, as a Commended Veteran of 12 years’ service, was shocked at the lack of 'true' assistance from Councils and even some 'charities'. Until you are in that position, which in today's climate is becoming more common, you don't realise how bad things are for Veterans.
I was always impressed with what I saw online from Helping Homeless Veterans UK and decided to contact them even though I'd never seen them mention East Yorkshire. Within ten minutes David Wood called me and just said 'find somewhere and I promise I will help as much as I can'. And he sounded genuine. No pitch, nothing, just those words I needed to hear (as my parents are both deceased and I have no siblings, I should add). I'd message him frustrated at knock backs due to rental prices and so forth. He always had an answer and direction.
I am now about to receive the keys to a beautiful flat five minutes from my daughter and in a thriving area. I'm overwhelmed to say the least!! I will be eternally grateful to David and his team and cannot talk highly enough about them. Thank you once again David from not only myself but my daughter."
"Just wanted to say a big thank you to David for helping me. I moved into a flat and didn't have anything but a camp bed. Without hesitation he has supplied me with everything I need to live with and I'm now able to have my children stay with me. Massive weight has been lifted. So thank you again - your work is amazing. 👏🏻"
~ British Army Veteran
“Saw one of your posts on Facebook this evening and wanted to tell you that what you do for us veterans is amazing and greatly appreciated.
I just wanted to let you know, that I have been told today I have been allocated a purpose-built wheelchair and an adaptive flat available for occupation next week. Finally, after 7 months of homelessness, I will have a place of my own.
Although because of my complex health needs, it was harder to find me a home that was suitable. I wanted to let you know that knowing there are people like you and charities to support people like me means so much. Thank you."
~ British Army Veteran
"I would like to give a big thank you to David Wood, and everyone connected to HHVUK.
I was referred to HHVUK following a period of being homeless and living in a car park stairwell. I found it difficult getting out of the situation I was in, due to myself not accepting help as easily as others and financial aspect not being enough to live on to get out of my situation.
With the help which I have received from HHVUK, I have managed to get back into a job and get into a stable living situation to get back on my feet. Also, I’ve been helped with my medical condition in terms of knowing I have a place to rest and recover as I have suspected PoTS syndrome, which would have made it difficult for myself to handle if I was still out on the street.
I cannot give enough gratitude and thankfulness to HHVUK, especially to David Wood. Without this charity helping I would be in a worse situation out there."
~ British Army Veteran
“I would like to thank HHVUK, all the Trustees and especially David Wood for coming to my aid in my moment of desperation.
I found myself between a rock, a hard place, and an even harder place 7 months ago after a series of circumstances lead me into a corner I could not get out of on my own.
My sofa surfing days at a friend's place were over and I needed to find somewhere else to live. Money was not readily available to find a deposit and rent, as I was currently off work due to ongoing health issues. Living in my car was all I could think about as a temporary option until I could amass the funds to move on.
Cancer had taken a grip on me back in October 2019, ongoing treatment and 2 operations to remove 16 inches of bowel and the aftereffects left me weary and unable to continue working. A previous relationship breakdown had thrown me into sofa surfing due to money problems, all of which combined stopped me in my tracks and I was unable to prioritise my needs, find somewhere to live, try to return to work, and have an address for NHS letters for appointments.
Within 10 minutes of emailing the founder of HHVUK David Wood, I got a phone call from him. Within 3 days I was housed in the Talbot Mews, a recent renovation project to house homeless veterans.
I am forever thankful to David and the prompt response I received which has enabled me to take stock and reboot my life. HHVUK really does do what it says on the tin."
~ Sincerely grateful, a British Army Veteran
"I just want to say a huge thank you David for everything that HHVUK has done for myself. When I first contacted you back in January, you put me straight into a hotel when all options had run out for somewhere for me to stay. You spoke to my council and advised me on everything I had to do and the council put me as priority need because of you.
I have now moved into my own place and a huge thank you for the massive food shop I got this morning. I feel like my life is going to be a lot better now and you and your charity kept to your promise. Thank you just doesn't seem enough.”
“I had it all; a beautiful house, family and nice cars, yet I recall the day it ended and sitting in my friend’s box room with my stuff in a black bin liner. I was the lucky one as I had a solid roof over my head and amazing friends, but my so-called friends were not my friends for long when I really needed them. It taught me a valuable lesson in life to not pin my hopes and dreams on wealth as no matter what or how much you have. It can be gone in an instant. I was on the rocks, but I stayed strong.
I served my Country with pride, but when I finally swallowed my pride and asked for help, there was nobody there. That was until my friend suggested Helping Homeless Veterans UK. I called them at my lowest point and ready to end it all and spoke to David. He reassured me I would be ok and after filling out my details I was put into a hotel straight away where I have been for the past 10 days.
I found a property that I could afford and after speaking to David, my rent and deposit were paid. I move in on Tuesday with the promise that anything I need, the charity will assist where possible. I can now see my 6yr old daughter and 4yr old son on Christmas Day and my wish has come true. Thank you HHVUK for saving me and giving me back hope.”
"Helping Homeless Veterans UK have given me a lifeline, for myself and my son.
I have been wanting to move for quite a few years now but felt trapped in a relationship that wasn’t going anywhere. When I tried to leave before, the person threatened suicide and I felt guilty and again stayed (and also I had nowhere to go to).
I now about to settle in a place where I feel relaxed and safe, I have a friend living 20 minutes away who has been so supportive. Thank you, Helping Homeless Veterans UK, for all your support."
“Hi David. I wanted to give you an update on my brother Steve, who you helped last year kit out his flat. Do you remember him homeless in High Wycombe? Well, he hasn't looked back since! He is doing brilliantly - got a job, got a new love in his life and he’s getting a car on Friday.
He's happy David. He is truly at peace with himself. Thanks so much.”
"What can I say - I owe my life to Dave and the team at HHVUK! I came across Dave and the team at my very lowest. Hours before I was stood looking at the Mersey! Nowhere to go, no roof, no safety and petrified of a night on the streets, because I know this city so well!
Dave gave me a call and rescued me! Later that day I had a hotel for a week. Someone at the end of the phone! And the promise of a home when I found one. People and charities tend not to make promises, as they know they can't keep them. When Dave and HHVUK make you a promise, they not only keep it but smash it out the park. Me and my son can never thank them enough."
"I can't thank you enough for everything your organisation has done for me. I can't put into words how happy I am to have everything I need. It's really made my flat a home. Iam over the moon. I thought the card was a really nice touch. Thanks again, it really is amazing what you guys are doing for people.”
Rob – ex-Army veteran
My marriage broke down in November last year. I lived on a campsite, and then sofa surfed until my good friend **** gave David Wood a nudge. David and his team put me up in hotel on Jan 1st. I was so overwhelmed. David and his team put me up in hotel on Jan 1st. I was so overwhelmed. After 2 weeks of HHVUK paying for my comfortable bed and breakfast stay, my 16-year-old daughter was struggling with the split up of our marriage. She came to me. David and his team then funded another week for my daughter and I and helped find us a home 10 mins from where my other four children live. And what an amazing home it is. But it did not finish there. After paying our deposit and 1 month’s rent as well, you had me crying with happiness. The weight has lifted off our shoulders because of you guys. I’m in a really happy place. Thank you all so much. xx”
My story with HHVUK
I had one of the best jobs going as a European lorry driver earning very good money for 22 years and a nice lifestyle. In July last year, I split from my wife and was living in my lorry. I had two speeding fines come through. I did not know about as I was not living at home and having my kids at weekends which was hard because of Covid. I went for a new dream job in December moving airplane jet engines throughout Europe only to find out I had lost my licence, and this is when my world fell apart. I had no job, nowhere to live and no income. I found myself living in a tent on a friend's farm. My boys didn't want to be with their mum and so moved in with me. A friend came to see us and rang David at HHVUK. As I'm ex-Royal Artillery, the next day David moved us in to a hotel, but little did I know Social Services were involved we tried to get private rent but no luck. In February, with a lot of help and support from HHVUK, I have moved into a 2-bed flat and David, Fred and John came up and furnished the property for me and my boys. I cannot believe the support I have got from them and an ex-veteran Paul. Thank you everyone from me and my boys.”
“I cannot begin to express how grateful I am to you all, to the point I will be donating regularly once I’m back on my feet and my funds are sorted. I genuinely though I’d be sofa surfing for months, and although I’m mentally stronger than 2 years ago, it was my only concern. Thank you so much for the swift response and help.”
“I’d like to take this opportunity to THANK YOU and your unbelievably amazing charity. I pick up the keys to my and my partners new flat on Thursday. You have save my relationship and got me and her good self back on track. You are the closest person to god. Thank you thank you.”
“I am a 60-year-old veteran. I was homeless and had just had a major operation and I didn’t know what to do. In the past I had tried the normal route but had had no luck. I put a plea out on social media on a group I am in for ex-service personnel. Eventually I was put in touch with David from Helping Homeless Veterans UK, who immediately started looking after me. He got in touch with the council and after a few phone calls (mainly David trying to get an answer or get someone to deal with my case), I was eventually given a place in a hostel for the homeless. I have been here approx. 3 months now and I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have now been offered a bungalow (due to my medical needs). I cannot move in for approx. 12 weeks due to work they need to do, but I am now on the right road to getting settled and getting my life in order. I OWE IT ALL TO DAVID AND HIS TEAM at HHVUK. I don’t know where I would be without them. I owe them a BIG thank you.”
“Just to let you know the council has finally approve by move and will be paying the landlord the rent advance within the next 4 days. As soon as he receives said payment, I can move in. I would like to thank you millions for the assistance you have give me. Above all else just talking with you made me feel a whole lot better morale wise and helped my get through this knowing that you made me feel I was not alone.”
“I just wanted to thank you once again. I have had the best night's sleep for quite a while and now I’m waiting for breakfast to arrive at the table. Once again, thank you.”
"Hi David. I am overwhelmed with you, and chuffed. So happy too. You are a top-class gentleman. I love what you have engineered and founded. You will get notice from the top people on this great country of ours. Today was fantastic with **** also. Myself and **** are so happy with everything you do and represent. Your attitude is top class, you are tough and that is absolutely spot on. Thank you."